Unleashing Excellence: Our Vision at Cantor

Our Mission

To cultivate excellence in academics and professional development for students interested in programming and quantitative finance through process-driven member education and handpicked projects.

Founding Principles

The club recruitment process should focus on aptitude, curiosity, and commitment - interviewing candidates who haven’t interviewed before doesn’t provide much insight into their strengths.

Working backwards from the needs of top firms in quantitative finance and software engineering to drive member education ensures member success in job recruitment.

Process-driven learning, built around projects and collaborative problem solving, fosters academic growth and enables meaningful learning experiences.

What We Do

  • Mentor incoming students, ensuring they take advantage of the resources available to them and are prepared for professional life

  • Launch project teams using in-demand technologies, providing relevant experiences before our members, giving them a head start compared to their peers

  • Create leadership opportunities for motivated members

  • Participate in corporate coding challenges, hackathons, and trading challenges

  • Work with corporate partners to create meaningful connections between our members and industry professionals